Cognac Skenderbeu Konjak Skenderbeg

  • Brandy from Albania


the restrictive one from the Skenderbeu range. This respectable cognac gets its remarkable smell and exceptional taste from its 13-year barrel storage. Buy here.


Unique Albanian Skenderbeu Konjac, named after the incomparable Albanian ruler Gjergj Kastrioti, called Skenderbeg (Alb. Skenderbeu, 1405 – 1468).


This fantastic liquor (konjac) has effectively won various awards in numerous prestigious and major global rivalries.


Due to its average smell, the remarkable taste and the regular degree of ripeness, this konjac has developed into a very sought-after and persecuted liqueur that is not really available in German-speaking countries.


Skenderbeu Konjac in a gift box, the ALbanian Cognac, developed in old oak barrels and containers.


Delicate in taste, with a special scent of plants, oak and organic products, ready-made grapes, lemons, dark plums and caramel.


Appearance: clear liquid, without dirt and unfamiliar problems Color: light brown (gold tone) Aroma: Character of the drink “Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu” without unusual orders. Taste: Characteristic for refreshment without bizarre preferences

Click Here To Buy The Best Quality Of Skenderbeu Cognac



Appearance: clear liquid, free of impurities and foreign substances Color: light brown (gold tone) Aroma: Character of the refreshment “Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu” without unusual commands Taste: Characteristic of the drink without bizarre preferences

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